Shabbat Playlist #33 – Chipotle, Shabbat Alive, & Art

Sarasota, FL – Preparing dinner on some Fridays can fall last on the list and today was that exception, but the beauty of Shabbat is that you simply observe it, not where you observe it. So, we needed a quick backup plan. Steve strongly suggested Chipotle. It’s one of Jake’s favorite, and I was outnumbered. So,  we headed to the new Chipotle on Fruitville Road, and we beat the dinner crowd by about five minutes. The Kunkle’s oldest son was working behind the counter and I snuck in a “Shabbat Shalom” to him! Dinner conversation revolved around the article that has been getting national syndication. It is about one of my students, Everett Couto, who has replaced his electronic addictions with fervent running. It is also about his journey. I am honored to have been part of his team. It is my son, Jake, who first suggested that he could benefit from a wilderness therapeutic program. That was Everett’s tipping point into leading a different life. The article has been featured in Miami Herald, Runner’s World, Chicago Tribune, Washington Times, Raleigh News & Observer, Charlotte Observer, etc., and vast majority of internet news sites. I explained to my guys that I even received an invite from the coordinators of Autism Symposium to be held in Asheville, NC to be their guest along with Everett and Jake.  It is good to know that your efforts make such a positive significant difference.

Time was marching on, and Steve and I headed to Temple Emanu-El as it was the Shabbat Alive service starring sweet, uplifting music from the Shabbat Band. Jake headed home to continue to study for the state EMT exam in March. Hannah Schneider sat with us in our little corner near the big windows and her beloved, Rochelle Seldin, sang in the band. Many winks came our way. It was sweet sitting next to my husband and singing the songs of my teenage years. Favorites like Adonai S’fatai, Mi Chomacha, Miriam’s Song, Mi Shebeirach and L’cha Dodi filled the sanctuary.

After services, there were two more events: a chocolate oneg shabbat and an art dedication in the lobby. Choosing just the right art is critical for a temple lobby as it must represent its congregants, and the committee found the perfect piece. Click here to see the presentation.

It was a sweet beginning to the Sabbath. Shabbat Shalom.