Shabbat Playlist #26 – 2016 Out…

December 30, 2016 – Sarasota, FL

The last Shabbat of 2016 marks the halfway mark of Shabbat Playlist blogging. It is merely a means to document memories as moments can be so fleeting and overshadowed by the mundane.

Our Shabbat pause commenced with some good cooking together with Erin, Gabe (Erin’s boyfriend), and Sal (a cast member of Guys & Dolls). The fresh lettuce was plucked from our garden and garnished with homemade vinaigrette by Gabe. The kielbasa, potato, squash, zucchini dish was prepped and prepared by Sal and Erin. Spaghetti boiled to the perfect al dente and topped with either the kielbasa dish or fresh tomato with basil sauce. Brussel sprouts baked to tenderness, and assorted colored carrots steamed to perfection with fresh dill and butter. Berries were abundant. All the regular props of Shabbat graced our table, and in addition, we were blessed with the the 7th night of Hanukkah and the company of my BFF, Kala Sheckler.

We waited for Kala to arrive before we lit the candles, blessed the bread and the wine, but we dug into the meal as the kids needed to be at the theater for an earlier than usual call.

Conversation swirled as Sal and Erin shared final stories of Guys and Dolls adventures as the show closes at the Asolo on New Year’s Day. For example, the effort it takes to get on the Hot Box Girls stage each night or how actors decide on different character choice for a scene. We shared favorite lines like “Blue… what a crazy color” or “Why is it when a doll meets a guy she takes him in right away for alterations.” We learned how Josh Rhodes, the director/choreographer, played with the audience without them knowing. The Jesus figured in the Havana scene is a played by one of the black actors and the two people praying to him are the two Jews in the cast. That is just funny.


When Kala arrived, we sang all the blessings in unison and played it up as usual. Steve added extra whistling between silent notes which is always charming. Then she gave me my Hanukkah present…the inside of the cigar box states, “We all have days like this! Always know I’m here for you…Love your BFF, Kala 12/30/16.” I love it as it certainly represents those awkward chaotic moments of life. I had a gift for her, but it was pathetic compared to hers and thus she will have to wait until I figure out something better! She always has the best gifts.

When the kids went to the show, Steve, Kala and I went to Stottlemyer’s Smokehouse, an open-air restaurant and old-Florida tiki bar. Our friend’s son plays in the band Steel Relic. They play songs like “Final Count Down” Van Halen’s “Right Now” and Kansas’ “Carry On my Wayward Son.” It is classic music and they are enjoyable to listen to and watch. It was also nice to hang out with Mike and Greta Via as we jammed to their son’s band.

2016 is out and 2017 is upon us. Shabbat Shalom.